Sunday, 8 February 2015

DIY Harry Potter Wands!

Hi sorry it's been so long since my last post! I haven't really done anything creative that was worth blogging about...
But now I have! A couple of days ago I went to a Harry Potter Book Night in London, hosted by Waterstones. Dress up was optional and so I thought I'd make me and my friends some wands! I've seen a couple of  tutorials on Pinterest like this one by Grosgrainfabulous and this one by Sugar Bee Crafts. So I decided to try it out and see if it's as easy as it looks. First I tried making a wand with rolled up paper as a base, but I found it to be too flimsy also, it was quite hard to control the shape, so I decided to use chopsticks instead:
You will need:

  • A Glue Gun (and gluesticks obviously :P)
  • Smooth Chopsticks (or small sticks)
  • Brown/Black Acrylic Paint
  • Paintbrush

First thing I did was find some images as references, I was trying to recreate certain characters' wands, so I searched for some photos of their wands and used them as inspiration. Of course you can make your own design, but keep in mind that the glue isn't too easy to control so any really intricate designs you find or make will be hard to follow. I suggest you just go with the flow! If you've never used a glue gun before,  practice a bit first to get the hang of it.  Anyway once you have some sort of idea of what you will do, fire up your glue gun and shoot! 
You want the layers to be quite thick so don't be afraid to hold down the trigger and let the glue ooze out. You may have to build up the layers. 

It can get quite messy so put something down, also be careful of burning yourself, the glue is quite hot! So if you are under 12 maybe ask someone older to help you! Also gravity may ruin your design so once you have applied the glue try rotating the chopstick like a spit, not too fast and not too slow, this will keep the glue from dripping. If you're not to bothered about the texture, once the outer layer of the glue is dry but still warm, you can mold it, what I did was twizzle - is that a word? - the stick between my hands, this smooths out the glue and gives it an interesting shape. This is what mine looked like with the glue: 

Once you are happy with the patterns and the glue is all dry it's time to paint them! I used acrylic paint and did different shades of brown. You could also do different designs with the paint if you are feeling adventurous, I just used one colour.

Allow them to dry and then you are done! I am thinking of opening up an Etsy shop to take requests for certain wands, if you would like one please leave a comment on this post. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, until then stay creative!

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