Monday, 18 May 2015

DIY University Organiser Printables by 'DIY Home Sweet Home'

Hi guys, sorry for the very late post!

I am currently doing my A level exams right now and if all goes well then hopefully in September I will be going to university. I'm very excited about moving out and starting my own life independently, meeting new people and generally having the time of my life! However being independent means being responsible for your own time, finances, food etc. and that's why I wanted to create an organiser or planner to help me since I am not exactly the most organised person!

Anyway, I was scouring Pinterest for different ideas and free printables for creating your own planner; I could go out and buy one from a stationary store - some are very pretty - but also pricey and if I'm going to be living on a student's budget I better get used to not having the luxury of buying just anything. Also by making it myself, I can personalise it the way I want to and only include categories that are useful to me. So I came across this amazing blog:

diy home sweet home: Home Management Binder

It's great! There are many free printables for different categories of a planner including, lists, budgeting, meals, to do's and many more!

Also the graphics are very cheerful and colourful which I quite like!

I will be making my planner soon so will blog about the process, until then, stay creative!

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