Monday 3 November 2014

Christmas Bells are Ringing...

Well they are in my head!
I love Christmas, I love seeing the shops filled with Christmas decorations, the streets decked out in twinkly lights and that general feeling of joy in the air.

I also love thinking about what presents to buy for my loved ones, I pride myself in being observant and knowing exactly what everyone likes; that my sister will love that perfume or my mum will think that hat is gorgeous. I strive to get the perfect present for everyone. And then after the Christmas shopping is done, comes the second best part: Wrapping! I absolutely LOVE wrapping presents!!! Every time I pass the gift section in shops, with rolls of decorative paper, spools of ribbon, sparkly gift bags, it fills me with excitement! Is that weird? It probably is, I'm a weird person, but I don't care, I love wrapping presents! Anyway the best part is giving the presents and seeing the person's face when they open them, I know Christmas isn't about presents but making someone happy, and showing them that you love them, that's one of the things I love about this holiday.
Moving on, Christmas calls for DIY decorations, creative gift and card making and festive baking! Feel free to check out my Christmas board on as I will probably be making things from here, to blog about!
Until then, stay creative!

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